Wednesday, February 15, 2012


1. Production: tools and practices used to create the writing
  •  pen and paper to write out ideas, used internet to find example news articles, used printer to print out the example articles, used WORD to type up my article, used peers and professionals on the subject matter to give input on my writing, used WORD to fix writing - and a printer to print out the finished project
2. Representation: Ways people who produce a text conceptualize and plan it.
  • Looked at popular online newspapers to make a rubric for how mine should be.  then followed my created rubric to create my article
3. Distribution: things such as who a text is given to, for what purposes, using what distribution tools
  • Hard copy: Given to peers for review, given to teacher for grading, given to peers and professionals in order to get them to consider the topic
  • Internet: Online newspaper, facebook, and blog...all to get the info out to general public
  • printed newspaper: for local populous to get the info
4. Reception: How texts are taken up and used by others
  • The main focus of audience is for Music Educator (students and current teachers) - for them they can use it to give them ideas how to address the issue in the article
  • for the rest of the general public- the article can help them realize an issue that they may have never considered. Also, may help them sympathize and even assist the Music teachers in doing what they can to work toward fixing the issue.
5. Activity: actual practices that people engage in as they create a text

6. Ecology: environmental factors
  • neighbors yelling.
  • someone talking to me on FB chat
7. Socialization: The interaction of people and institutions with this piece of writing.

  • now know teachers expectations
  • socialized into writing articles 

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